Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Story Behind the Name...

I remember the first time I was introduced to exercise- my induction to the world of health and fitness. I'm somewhere in my early teen years and my best friend (who is still my best friend), Sunny, buys some exercise bands at a garage sale we were both at.  I was an active kid, but the concept of doing purposeful exercise to tone and shape your body had never occurred to me (I came from a pretty sedentary family).  My next memory is her and her sister telling me about an exercise regimen from a fitness magazine that they were following.  I began doing the same routine in my room at home after they told me about it and I began to think exercise was pretty cool.  I didn't become extremely passionate about exercise at this time, but my interest was certainly peaked.  At 19 years old I joined the army and was forced to exercise and at first it was grueling, but over time I came to absolutely love it.  Especially running.  I came to love running.  After getting out of the military I continued to exercise, eventually hiring a trainer and getting into awesome shape.  Then, I got married and had two kids. Shortly after getting married, my exercise habits began to slide and from that point on I struggled to fit it into my life on a consistent basis.  I didn't completely abandon it, but it was not consistent and it was not a priority.  My eating habits also went downhill and I struggled with eating junk from that point on.  Over the last several years I tried several exercise programs and diets.  I failed every time.  All of that has changed as of recently.  I got completely fed up with how I felt and how I looked and I began researching how to break sugar addiction because I knew sugar was my biggest downfall.  During my search I came across an awesome blog that had terrific advice.  I began following that advice and my sugar addiction is now under control and I feel fabulous. Simultaneously, I found amazing workouts online that I love and that easily fit into my life.  I began following these workouts and have been consistent with it and have been seeing amazing results.  

I hope Sunny doesn't mind me speaking for her, but I'll give a shot at telling her story.  As I just stated, she has always been interested in fitness and health.  She was active and played sports in school and was quite active.  She got married and became a mother quite young and her life was hectic and busy for several years.   She had four babies pretty close together, moved several times and worked much of the time her children were little.  Two years ago she also started going to college.  Over time she gained quite a bit of weight and was very unhappy about it and tried several things to get it off.  She experimented with several diets and exercise programs, just like me, but was never successful at keeping the weight off.  About the same time as me, she became fed up with where she was at and started following the same diet and exercise program as me and has also seen amazing results.

We are so excited about what we've been doing that we want to share it with the world!  We have never felt so amazing while dieting and have never done such an effective exercise program that fit so easily into our lives.  We are absolutely positive that we are going to succeed this time around, smash all of our fitness goals and that these changes are going to be permanent.  We titled this blog "Getting Fit For Good" because that is exactly what we're doing.  Getting fit once and for all.  This is not a passing phase.  We are going to get fit and remain fit for life.  We will never return to the former state that we're abandoning.   

We want to show people that this is possible to accomplish, regardless of what challenges you face in your life or where you are starting from.  As you get to know us you will learn that we both face a lot of challenges in our life, yet we are able to find a way make this happen.  We are not at our final fitness destination yet, but we know that we'll get there and we invite you to follow us along the journey.   

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